Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Marriage "CNN"

Marriage "CNN"

Actor Mark Wahlberg talks about the importance of being prepared for his roles and the dedication he puts into his craft For more CNN videos, check out our YouTube channel at www.youtube.com Or visit our entertainment page at www.cnn.com

http://laregionperdida.com/ Mark Wahlberg on dedication to "Ted"

Washington (CNN) -- Most Americans approve of the decision by the House of Representatives to censure Attorney General Eric Holder, but a new national poll also indicates that a majority of the public thinks that House Republicans are investigating ... CNN Poll: Was politics behind Holder contempt vote?

Cable news network popularly known as CNN, is regarded by many as the strongest and the best television station in the world, its coverage is unrivaled, it reach is unprecedented, its impact is great, it is "quoted everywhere". Its major subject is news, its focus is information not entertainment and it is doing this in the best way it can.

Marriage also has its own CNN, by this I mean there is a way to get the right information for your marriage, equipping yourself, building your home. This is how to go about it.

C- Counsel: Have a good counselor for your marriage, your own marriage mentor, somebody that can lead, corrects and informs you. Be humble enough to seek help when it will be useful, don't allow your marriage to be in coma before you cry out for help. counseling is very good to improve your marriage and family life.

N- Network: Walk in company with good and loving people.

People that love and respect their own spouses. People that believe in sanctity of marriage. Avoid people that do not love or respect their own mate, relate with people that will help you to grow, people that will encourage you to love, forgive and bond with your own mate. Anybody that condemn or criticize his/her mate before you (either the mate is there or not) should not be your friend so that you may not be like them. Also avoid making people with broken marriages your best friend or relationship mentor so that you may not fail into their errors.

N- Nurture: Learn how to nurture your marriage, for this you need information, you need to be informed, you need to learn and become better. Number one killer of marriage is ignorance, what you don't know senior's you, the level of your information will determine the level of your transformation.

To learn more about love, marriage and family life, I advise you to surround yourself with good books, magazine, and tapes, attend marriage seminars, marriage school you can also get good resources on my blog

Never believe you know it all, there is definitely something to learn, there is something to know, work on yourself, equip yourself to be a better lover, husband, wife and parent.

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