Tuesday, July 10, 2012

cape house apartments jacksonville fl

cape house apartments jacksonville fl

Most of this debt has been accrued through student loans ($ 27029); however, recent graduates also leaned heavily on other debt â€" like credit cards - to get them through college, amassing an average of $ 12742 of nonstudent loan debt upon graduating ... Recent Graduates Face Grim Financial Reality according to Accounting ...

Robbie Eccles, 20, from Boca Raton, is a junior at Florida State College of Jacksonville. His intended major is Commercial Music, and he hopes to graduate with a bachelors by 2014. Eccles' musical talents earned him a music grant from the college. Still, he decided to take out a 00 student loan in case the music grant fell throughâ€"like a safety net. What Eccles didn't know was that this loan would keep accumulating interest, even when left unused. Henna Bakshi sits down with Eccles to discuss his hardships with student loans, and to find out what he is doing about his loan's growing interest. Watch now!

http://laregionperdida.com/ FSCJ Junior on Student Loans


here are some reviews about the apartments

Apartments Itself Nice But Too Many Problems

From: -Anonymous- 
Date posted: 6/7/2010 
Years at this apartment: 2010 â€" 2010 

The apartments are very nice. But in the 3 months i have been here there has been nothin but hell. first i had a plumbing issue that made my water/sewer bill like 400 for just me. took forever for the issue to get resloved over a month and a half for them to send a me a rebate check. had to pay the bill out of pocket though. Then no heat in feb. then no hot water one weekend. then no air for a whole week. This was all in less than a 3 month period. I ask for some kind of refund and they said no. I even contacted the corporate office and they said no also. they told me the only thing they could do is waive me fees if i moved to another equity residential property.

I even threatened them with moving and telling of this bad experience and they did nothing so now im telling.




Has It's Up's And Downs.



From: -Anonymous- 
Date posted: 7/1/2009 
Years at this apartment: 2009 â€" 2009  Well now that my time at Cape house is coming to a close I decided to write a review in hopes of giving another family some info if they r considering the complex for their future residence. First off, I have to say my experience hasn't been too bad. Apartment living has it's up's and it's downs as it is. We have been here temporarily (7 months). But within that time I'd say our neighbors have been some of the best. Half the time I wondered if we even had neighbors. On our first night here my children and I were locked out of our apt, due to a faulty lock, so our neighbor invited us in and allowed us to use his phone and much needed heat. Management has been good to us, reimbursing us for the lock and working some kinks out. Now for the not so great. My biggest complaint would have to be the pool on the older side (northern side) of the complex. Every weekend you'd think you were attending spring break n Cancun. A lot of kids get together and blast their music for all to hear,they drink, and use profanity. Now I'm not a saint, but there r children around. The younger crowd here doesn't care if there are children present. We've even witnessed some of them "playing" with each other in the pool during daylight hours! ("playing" used metaphorically) The pool behind the office is a much better one to use for families. Occasionally, if u live close to the pool, u will hear kids screaming and jumping in at 3am and also in January. Guess they enjoy hypothermia. I've also noticed the lakes r dirty. People do not pick up their dogs poop, which says a lot about the lazy tenants, not management. The "gated community" hasn't been gated in over a month, but I won't complain since the gate only works 50% of the time. (YES u can and will be locked in if that gate tries to operate again! Leaving tenants to use the exit as both an exit and entrance or vice versa) Mine as well keep it open. Any who, my apt is gorgeous. Love the space the kitchen provides. Gives me lots of room. The few upgrades have been nice plus's. The school, Chet's Creek, is just a short path walk away, which is great for us mom's. You can skip the long line of cars waiting for pick up or drop off. The location is key too. Southside seems to be a far better area of town. I'd say living here overall has been a pleasant experience. I would just recommend renting closest to the office.  



Cape House: The NEW Moncrief



From: -Anonymous- 
Date posted: 2/27/2008 
Years at this apartment: 2007 â€" 2008  DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT rent here. Drug dealers and ghetto scary dudes galore, and drunk obnoxious students that dont have jobs so get into shouting matches in the parking lot at 3 in the morning on weeknights. Often. Stay FAR FAR away if you are a professional, it looks nice and I do like the actual apartment, but it is A NIGHTMARE!  For More On this site Apartments For Rent In JacksonVille

More cape house apartments jacksonville fl Issues

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