Saturday, July 21, 2012

Commercial Cleaning Business 101

Commercial Cleaning Business 101

NEW YORK (TheStreet) -- Comerica (CMA) on Tuesday reported that its average commercial loans grew 5% during the second quarter, for its eighth consecutive quarter of growth for the coveted loan type. The Dallas lender reported second-quarter net ... Commercial Loans Fuel Comerica's Earnings Beat

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Are you one of the 3.6 million people in the U.S. who's lost their job due to the current financial crisis?

If you are - you may be 'luckier' than you may think! The recent economic situation is forcing people to think of more creative ways to make a living; to step out of their comfort zones to find other means to not just survive, but to create a much better life for themselves and their families. You can succeed even if you think the odds are stacked against you.

I'm one of those 'lucky' people - and against all the odds, I not only survived, but am now running my own business, and my own free time. It's the best action I've taken in my entire life. And now I want to share with you a few tips on how I did it.

If you're thinking of starting your own business - the best and most important thing to do is to find a proven plan/method to follow.

This way you can ensure that the risk is minimum, and the chances of your business succeeding is at max. Later on, when your business is stable, you can start to 'get creative' and to evolve and grow what you've created.

One of the most profitable (but sadly, overlooked) markets in the world today is the commercial cleaning services market. This is not a statistic I randomly plucked out of the air - this is actually according to U.S. Department of Labor. This type of business is 'recession-friendly', meaning your business will continue to thrive, because what you're offering is a basic need - i.e. whether there is a recession or not people will still need it.

Secondly, this type of business can be set-up so it earns you money week after week, and month after month. It also renders itself well to word-of-mouth referrals - so you can reach a stage where all the business you need is coming to your through your very happy, existing customers - imagine not having to do advertising...

Thirdly, a commercial cleaning business is very easy to set up - give or take a couple of weeks.

There is no inventory to monitor, so you can keep your day job (if you wanted to). And the start-up investment is not a lot (especially compared to other types of businesses).

There are a lot of things you'll need to learn and understand about managing your own business, and I mentioned that you're best-off to find a method that's been proven to work. But here are some of your most pressing questions answered:

What is a Commercial Cleaning Business?

Do you notice the person cleaning your office area whenever you arrive early in the morning or stay late in the evening? Your company regularly hires a cleaning service to maintain the sanitation of your workplace. That is what your staff will be doing.

Each company usually offers a similar service package - so it will be up to you to do your research, and decide how much or little your company will offer your clients - remember it's all about standing out of the crowd. But you don't have to fight on price - you can choose to offer better quality, more frequency, or simply offer a service that no one else in the area is offering - like an eco-friendly service...

What Does it Cost to Set-up One?

Here's the good news, it doesn't cost much. You will only need to provide for the following items: cleaning materials and equipment, a car to take your crew from A to B, an internet connection, an office space (usually from home), and a business license and insurance to keep the tax man happy...

Compared to many other businesses this is near to nothing. So you probably won't even need to take out a loan.

How Much Can I Earn?

This will depend on how hard you want to work, how many people you can afford to hire at first, and how many hours you want to dedicate to your business.

But to give you an estimate, if you put your heart into this business, you can earn as much as $ 100K a year. It also depends on how much you decide to charge your clients. Which will depend on the type of service you decide to offer. You can charge on an hourly rate or set a fixed price. The best way to establish 'the going rate' is to find a few of your competitor companies in your area and call them up as if you were a client.

Get an idea of what they charge, and then decide on your costs. There is really no standard price for this type of service, so it's up to you to set the price that suits the service you decide to offer.

What Are the Daily Operations Like?

There is no hard and fast rule in regards to your daily operations. If you have 5 clients a day to service, and they each take you 2 hours to complete - than your team will be working for 10 hours, but it all depends on how many people in your team, and how you schedule your time.

The best way to set things up, is to make sure your time is spent acquiring new clients, and keeping the current ones happy, whilst your team does the cleaning and gives you feedback about how things are in 'the field'. That way you know new business is coming, but all while you are earning money...

At the end of the day, starting up any type of business demands careful research and methodical planning. But it does not end there. If you want your business to survive amid the steep competition, you must make sure you know your market, and you have a tested formula that you can follow. You must be willing to be flexible and savvy.

What makes all this initial effort worthwhile however, is that you get to build your own future and your own financial security. My efforts were rewarded pretty soon after starting and I was able to support my family and live the life that I wanted them to have.

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Question by Guns Don't Kill People, Cops Do.: Other than Reagan appointee greenspan keeping interest rates low, how did the govt. cause the housing bubble? "2008 Nobel Prize in Economics winner Paul Krugman states that the notion "has been refuted up, down, and sideways."[104] He also noted in November 2009 that 55% of commercial real estate loans were currently underwater, despite being completely unaffected by the CRA.[105] According to San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank Governor Randall Kroszner, the claim that "the law pushed banking institutions to undertake high-risk mortgage lending" was contrary to their experience, and that no empirical evidence had been presented to support the claim.[100] In a Bank for International Settlements (BIS) working paper, economist Luci Ellis concluded that "there is no evidence that the Community Reinvestment Act was responsible for encouraging the subprime lending boom and subsequent housing bust", relying partly on evidence that the housing bust has been a largely exurban event.[106] Others have also concluded that the CRA did not contribute to the financial crisis, for example, FDIC Chairman Sheila Bair,[101] Comptroller of the Currency John C. Dugan,[107] Tim Westrich of the Center for American Progress,[108] Robert Gordon of the American Prospect,[109] Ellen Seidman of the New America Foundation,[110] Daniel Gross of Slate,[111] and Aaron Pressman from BusinessWeek.[112]" Furthermore, if any conservative can actually explain how fannie mae caused it, be my guest. Ashley Jade: Explain @conservacunt: Then care to explain why milton friedman got a nobel prize? Best answer for Other than Reagan appointee greenspan keeping interest rates low, how did the govt. cause the housing bubble?:

Answer by Ashley Jade
LOL: Paul Krugman? The guy is a joke. The thought of Paul Krugman winning the Nobel Prize is as absurd as Obama winning it. It's meaningless. It's a Left-wing Mutual Admiration Society. Get a real education, little guy.

Answer by DNC Donkey
I walked away from my house because of the predatory lenders.

Answer by Freedom Wins IV
This help you?

Answer by The MobFather
Add President Clinton to the long list of people who deserve a share of the blame for the housing bubble and bust. A recently re-exposed document shows that his administration went to ridiculous lengths to increase the national homeownership rate. It promoted paper-thin downpayments and pushed for ways to get lenders to give mortgage loans to first-time buyers with shaky financing and incomes. It’s clear now that the erosion of lending standards pushed prices up by increasing demand, and later led to waves of defaults by people who never should have bought a home in the first place. President Bush continued the practices because they dovetailed with his Ownership Society goals, and of course Congress was strongly behind the push. But Clinton and his administration must shoulder some of the blame. In writing this blog entry, I’m following the lead of Joseph R. Mason, who is a finance professor at Drexel University’s LeBow College of Business, a senior fellow at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School, and a consultant at Criterion Economics. Here is a link to a piece that he wrote on Feb. 26. The Clinton-era document that Mason citesâ€"“The National Homeownership Strategy: Partners in the American Dream”â€"was hiding in plain sight on the website of the Department of Housing & Urban Development until last year, when according to Mason it was removed (probably because the housing bust made it seem embarrassing to the department). Mason credits Joshua Rosner of Graham Fisher & Co. with saving a copy of it before it was expunged. The National Homeownership Strategy began in 1994 when Clinton directed HUD Secretary Henry Cisneros to come up with a plan, and Cisneros convened what HUD called a "historic meeting" of private and public housing-industry organizations in August 1994. The group eventually produced a plan, of which Mason sent me a PDF of Chapter 4, the one that argues for creative measures to promote homeownership. The very worst idea in the plan, which fortunately never gained approval, was to let first-time homebuyers freely tap their IRA and 401(k) retirement-savings plans with no penalty to scrounge up a downpayment. That, HUD estimated, would have "benefited" 600,000 families in the first five years. "" For many potential homebuyers, the lack of cash available to accumulate the required downpayment and closing costs is the major impediment to purchasing a home. Other households do not have sufficient available income to to make the monthly payments on mortgages financed at market interest rates for standard loan terms. Financing strategies, fueled by the creativity and resources of the private and public sectors, should address both of these financial barriers to homeownership. Note the praise for "creativity." That kind of creativity in stretching boundaries we could use less of. Mason puts it well: "It strikes me as reckless to promote home sales to individuals in such constrained financial predicaments."

Answer by Meet Reality
How old are you?

Answer by Paul
You mean by pressuring the banks to give mortgages to people that couldn't afford them?

Answer by JimSock
Considering that Klugman, Gore and Obama have all 'won' the nobel, I reject the notion that the nobel prize is any sort of a credential but is rather a communist validation.

Answer by Toxicpanduh #2
Low interest rates encouraged borrowing but at some point in time you have to realize that responsibility principally lies with the consumer & banking institutions. Governments failure was not regulating the financial institutions to insure that the loans banks were offering weren't predatory in nature & that the individuals had the means to re-pay the loans. It is crazy the banks were allowed to give individuals & couples housing loans that when you do the math (mortgage, insurance, food costs etc.) that they would be left with little money to emergencies / other costs. Those loans should NOT have been approved.

[commercial loans 101]

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